English is a tool to communicate orally and in
writing. Communicating is to understand and express information, thoughts,
feelings and develop science, technology and culture. The ability to
communicate in full understanding is the ability of discourse, namely the
ability to understand or produce spoken or written text that is realized in the
four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. The
fourth skill is used to respond to or create a discourse in public life.
Therefore subjects in English is directed to develop these skills so that
graduates are able to communicate and discourse in English at a certain level
of literacy
According Isriani Hardini in her book Strategi
Pembelajaran Terpadu. Language plays an important role in human life because
human language is a communication tool in daily life - today. With one's
language can convey ideas, thoughts, feelings or information to other people,
both orally and in writing. This is in line with the thinking of experts that
language is a means of communication between members of the public in the form
of a symbol of the sound produced by the vocal organs manuisia. Language used
in most human activities, without any human language can not express
perasaannnya, expressed the wish, give advice and opinions, even to the level
of a person's thinking with regard to language. The higher a person's mastery
of the language, the better the use of language in communication.[1]
According to Todd : "A language is a set of
signals by the which we berkomunikasi. Human beings are not the only species to
have an elaborate communication system ". Living beings created by God to
have her own language. Language is a sign that is used when we want to
communicate. Not only human beings who have their own language, animals also
have their own language. they have a complicated system of language that can be
understood by others of their kind respectively. Also according to Todd also
that: "A language is an abstraction based on the linguistic behavior of
its users". Humans use language to communicate in a social environment.
Each different language communities in the use of language, especially English.
Because different geographical location and social environment. This happens
because of the behavior / customs prevailing in a community different so that
language from region to another is sometimes different.[2]
English is the international language support that
is very widely used. Brumfit "English is an international language that it
is the most widespread medium of international communication". As an
international language, English language support is used as a means of
communication between peoples who have different languages. The first language
differences will not prevent people in communicating as English. English is one
of the communication tools used mainly orally and in writing. English is a
foreign language that is commonly used in Indonesia has even taught in schools.
English terms of exitence currently in the world,
according to Hornby states that
"English is the language originally of England, now spoken in many other
countries and used as a language of international communication trough out the
world" basically English is the native language of the State English
Based on the theory and explanation of the nature of the English alphabet on the authors conclude that language has a very important role in human kehiduan, language became one of the factors supporting the establishment of communication between people who carry a lot of the impact of changes in the development of human life. You can imagine when people live without any language it can be ascertained that the communication will not run smoothly otherwise it will possibly happen communication misunderstanding each other. In addition, English is the international language that is often used mainly by people to communicate with others so, English is the first foreign language that is used mainly in Indonesia to communicate and relate to the judgments, especially in terms of science and technology always requires every person to can communicate internationally in accordance with the interests and development of the era[3]
Based on the theory and explanation of the nature of the English alphabet on the authors conclude that language has a very important role in human kehiduan, language became one of the factors supporting the establishment of communication between people who carry a lot of the impact of changes in the development of human life. You can imagine when people live without any language it can be ascertained that the communication will not run smoothly otherwise it will possibly happen communication misunderstanding each other. In addition, English is the international language that is often used mainly by people to communicate with others so, English is the first foreign language that is used mainly in Indonesia to communicate and relate to the judgments, especially in terms of science and technology always requires every person to can communicate internationally in accordance with the interests and development of the era[3]
Based on the above discussion it can be concluded
that English is a global language and become a universal language. Therefore,
every human being who has a desire to move forward and worldwide are required
to have good English skills.
[1] Isriani Hardini, Strategi Pembelajaran
Terpadu (Yogyakarta : Familia (Group of Relasi Inti Media, 2012), p. 183
[2] Todd in Andrew Carl Wisdom, Preaching to a Multi-Generational Assembly
(Collegeville Minnesota, Liturgical Press, 2004), p. 6
[3] A
S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford University Press,
2006), p. 506